At 10 o'clock in the morning on May 28, the 2021 "Famous Teachers' Lecture Hall" lecture co-sponsored by the School of Mathematical Sciences and the Institute of Applied System Analysis of Jiangsu University was successfully held in the cloud. The guest speaker invited in this issue is Professor Chongchun Zeng, an internationally renowned expert in the field of applied dynamic systems and nonlinear partial differential equations from the Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States. More than 80 teachers and students attended the lecture, including Professor Junping Shi from the College of William and Mary, Professor Guilong Gui from Northwestern University, Professor Ji Li from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Professor Jishan Fan from Nanjing Forestry University, Professor Zhengping Wang from Wuhan University of Technology, Professor Zhitao Zhang, Danping Ding, and Jun Wang from Jiangsu University.
Before the start of the lecture, Zhitao Zhang, Dean of the Academy of Mathematics, Jiangsu University, briefly introduced Professor Chongchun Zeng and presided over the lecture.

Professor Chongchun Zeng gave a wonderful academic report with the topic of "Separable hamiltonian PDEs and Turning points principle for stability of gaseous stars". He first started from the problem of stability of non-rotating gaseous stars in astrophysics, abstracted a mathematical framework-the Euler Poisson system, and discussed the stability of the separable Hamiltonian system from the perspective of linear analysis. Furthermore, he also used Moser's index theory to discuss the dimensionality of the instability direction. Finally, a rigorous mathematical demonstration of the well-known inflection point principle in physics, which is closely related to the change of the dimensionality of the instability direction, is given.

In the report, Professor Zeng demonstrated the profound connection between the complex celestial phenomena in physics and the differential equation problems in mathematics, reflecting his profound mathematical attainments. Professor Zeng's report aroused great interest among teachers and students present. After the report, Professor Zeng had an enthusiastic and sincere interaction with the teachers and students present, and gave patient and detailed answers to the mathematics questions raised by everyone, which benefited the teachers and students a lot. Finally, Dean Zhang Zhitao made a concluding speech for the lecture.
The “Lecture Hall of Famous Teachers” brand activity established by our school aims to regularly invite well-known experts, academic authorities, and outstanding young scholars in the subject field to give lectures. Continuously improve the mathematical literacy and scientific research and innovation capabilities of graduate students, strengthen exchanges and cooperation between scholars, and further enhance the academic influence of the subject.