Prof. Yan Jinyue,an academician of European Academy of Sciences and Arts and the editor-in-chief of Applied Energy, was invited to make an academic report entitled Challenges & opportunities in energy transitions in conference room 206 of Faculty of Science, on November 5, 2019. This report was chaired by deputy dean Sun Mei, and the teachers and students of Faculty of Science attended the report.
Prof. Yan's report mainly focuses on challenging research topics in the energy transition, which include spatial and temporal characteristics of renewable energy and urban energy demand, consumers’ intervention in new technologies, and integration of renewable energy with energy storage. At the report, Prof. Yan introduced the current energy transformation problem facing mankind, and pointed out that the key to energy transformation in the future lies in maintaining dynamic balance between energy supply and demand, vigorously popularizing renewable energy, integrating and optimizing energy system and energy regulation and distribution. Prof. Yan believes that the renewable energy industry has reached the critical point of competitive cost, and calls for accelerating and promoting the intelligent integration of market-based distributed energy technologies, energy storage and consumers to cope with the energy transformation.
After the report, teachers and students had a heated discussion with Prof. Yan on the opportunities and challenges of China's energy transformation, the development and interconnection of China's micro grid and some other issues.

Dr. J. Yan is chair professor of Energy Engineering, Mälardalen University, and KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Prof. Yan’s research interests include simulation and optimization of advanced energy systems; renewable energy especially in biomass energy; advanced power generation; climate change mitigation technologies and related issues in environment and policy; clean development mechanism (CDM), and fundamental engineering thermodynamics. Prof. Yan published about 300 papers including one in Science. Prof. Yan is editor-in-chief of the international journal, Applied Energy, and advisory editor of Energy Procediaboth published by Elsevier. He is editor-in-chief of Handbook of Clean Energy Systems by Wiley. He is the conference chairs of ICAE-International Conference on Applied Energy (Hong Kong, Singapore, Italy, China, South Africa, Taiwan), and conference chairs of other international conferences. He isassociate editor and editorial board members of several international journals.