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姓  名 范兴华
职务职称: 教授、硕士生导师
研究方向: 非线性动力系统理论及应用、能源经济系统分析与建模
研究生招生专业: 数学
联系电话: 13775548931
E-mail fan131@ujs.edu.cn
通信地址 江苏省镇江市江苏大学理学院,邮编:212013
● 2004/09-2007/06,江苏大学,系统工程,博士.
● 2001/09-2004/06,江苏大学,应用数学,硕士.
● 1988/09-1992/06,华东师范大学,数理统计系,学士.
● 2012/08-今,江苏大学,理学院数学系,教授,硕士生导师.
● 2008/04-2011/09,江苏大学,管理科学与工程博士后工作站,博士后.
● 1998/04-2012/08,江苏大学,理学院数学系,助教、讲师、副教授.
● 1994/02-1998/04,合和胶板(江苏)有限公司,文员.
● 1992/07-1994/02,镇江纺织厂,统计员.

● 2011/06-2011/09,美国密西根州立大学,数学系,访问学者,江苏省政府留学基金.
● 2016/09-2016/11,瑞典梅拉达伦大学,工程与社会系,访问学者,江苏大学留学生任课教师项目.
● 2017/12-2018/03,美国加州州立大学弗雷斯洛分校,农业经济系,访问学者,江苏省政府留学基金.

● 高等数学
● 线性代数
● 概率论与数理统计
● 复变函数与积分变换
● Calculus
● Analytic Geometry

● 江苏大学”842”教学质量工程省级精品课程培育项目:空间解析几何,在研,参加.
● 江苏大学教学改革与研究重点项目:基于网络技术,发掘培养学生能力,空间几何研究性教学改革与实践,完成,参加.
● 范兴华. 非寿险精算数学,清华大学出版社,2008, 32.9万字.
● 范兴华,邹公明. 保险精算学通论,清华大学出版社,2007, 47.5万字.
● 范兴华,复利数学. 清华大学出版社,2008, 32.1万字.

● 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71673116),能源结构低碳演化动力机制及调控战略研究,2017.1-2020.12,48万,在研,参加.
● 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51276081),煤电系统碳捕集碳封存下的碳排放及经济技术综合评价,2013.1-2016.12,70万,已结题,参加.
● 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71073072),推进低碳经济发展的节能减排体系研究,2011.1-2013.12,28万,已结题,参加.
● 国家博士后科研基金项目(201003555),城市群突发水安全评价体系及综合应急管理研究—以长三角区域为例,2010.12-2012.12,10万,已结题,主持.
● 国家博士后科研基金项目(20080441071),综合灾害风险管理系统的快慢型模型构建研究,2008.12-2011.3,3万,已结题,主持.
● 江苏省博士后科学基金(0802073C),半离散动力系统孤立波若干问题的研究,2008.10-2011.3,1万,已结题,主持.
● 江苏大学高级人才基金(08JDG013),非线性晶格动力系统的孤立波分析,2008.05-2011.12, 3万,已结题,主持.
● 国家自然科学基金(10771088), 尖峰孤立子与紧孤立子方程的适定性散射及动力学, 2008.01-2010.12, 28万,已结题,参加.

● X. Fan, Y. Zhang, J. Yin. Evolutionary Analysis of a Three-Dimensional Carbon Price Dynamic System. Sustainability, 11(1): 116, 2019.(SCI)
● X. Fan, X. Li, J. Yin, L. Tian, J. Liang. Similarity and heterogeneity of price dynamics across China's regional carbon markets: A visibility graph network approach. Applied Energy, 235: 739-746, 2019.(SCI)
● X. Fan, Q. Zhang, L. Wang, J. Yin. Visibility Graph Network Analysis of Air Quality Data. International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis, 6(3): 110-115, 2018.
● J. Yin, C. Su, Y. Zhang, X. Fan. Complexity Analysis of Carbon Market Using the Modified Multi-Scale Entropy. Entropy, 20(6): 434, 2018.(SCI)
● J. Yin, L. Bian, Q. Fan, X. Fan, H. Ai, L. Tian. Oscillation phenomenon and its mechanism of an energy-saving and emission-reduction system. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 12(3): 314-322, 2018.(EI)
● M. Tian, J. Yin, X. Fan, C. Su, L. Bian. Bifurcation Analysis and Chaos Control in the Resource-Economy-Pollution Dynamic System with Delayed Feedback, International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 26(2): 83-88, 2018.
● X. Fan, X. Lv, J. Yin, J. Liang. Quantifying market efficiency of China’s regional carbon market by multifractal detrended analysis, Energy Procedia, 152: 787-792, 2018.(EI)
● X. Fan, X. Li, J. Yin. Dynamic relationship between carbon price and coal price: perspective based on Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis. Energy Procedia, 2018.(已录用)
● J. Yin, L. Bian, M. Tian, X. Fan, Pursue high economic development with less pollution: Implications from a Resource-Economy-Pollution dynamic system. Energy Procedia, 145: 283-288, 2018.(EI)
● X. Zhao, Y. Zou, J. Yin, X. Fan. Cointegration relationship between carbon price and its factors: Evidence from structural breaks analysis. Energy Procedia, 142: 2503-2510, 2017.(EI)
● X. Zhao, X. Fan, J. Liang. Kuznets type relationship between water use and economic growth in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 168: 1092-1100, 2017.
● X. Fan, H. Xu, J. Yin, C. Ning. Chaotic behaviour in a Resource-Economy-Pollution dynamic system. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, 4: 6508-6512, 2017.
● X. Fan, H. Xu, C. Ning, L. Wu. Regional variability in water use intensity in China by clustering analysis. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 16(4): 1102-1109, 2016.
● X. Fan, S. Li, L. Tian. Complexity of carbon market from multi-scale entropy analysis. Physic A, 452: 79-85, 2016.
● X. Fan, L. Wang, H. Xu, S. Li, L. Tian. Characterizing air quality data from complex network perspective. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(4): 3621-3631, 2016.
● X. Fan, L. Wang, S. Li. Predicting chaotic coal prices using a multi-layer perceptron network model. Resources Policy, 50: 86-92, 2016.
● L. Wang, X. Fan, S. Li. Self-similarity of Carbon Market from Complex Network Analysis. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 21: 187-192, 2016.
● L. Wang, X. Zhao, X. Fan. The Impact of Energy Consumption Structure on China’s Environmental Quality. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 21: 54-59, 2016.
● X. Fan, S. Li, L. Tian. Chaotic characteristic identification for carbon price and an multi-layer perceptron network prediction model. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(8): 3945-3952, 2015.(SCI)
● M. Fu, A. Hua, X. Fan, L. Tian. Coordinated development of energy-saving and emission-reduction evolution systems in the Yangtze River Delta. International Journal of Global EnergyIssues, 2015.(已录用)
● X. Fan, S. Li. Bifurcation on smooth and non-smooth traveling wave solutions for a generalized two-component Camassa-Holm Equation. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports. 3(13): 1815-1827, 2014.
● X. Fan, S. Li. Bifurcation of traveling wave solutions of the Dual Ito equation. Abstract and Applied Analysis, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/153139. 2014. (SCI)
● X. Fan, C. Ning. A hybrid ARIMA and BP neural network model to forecast industrial water use efficiency. Advanced Materials Research. 1010-1012: 1042-1046, 2014. (EI)
● X. Fan, Y. Shi, X. Han. Learning from Zhenjiang water pollution accident. Advanced Materials Research, 726-731: 1879-1882, 2013. (EI)
● X. Fan, J. Yin. Two types of traveling wave solutions of a KdV-like advection-dispersion equation. Mathematica Aeterna, 2(3): 273-282, 2012.
● G. Cai, Q. Yao, X. Fan, J. Ding. Adaptive projective synchronization in an array of asymmetric neural networks. Journal of Computers, 7(8): 2024-2030, 2012. (EI)
● J. Yin, L. Tian, X. Fan. Classification of optical wave solutions to the nonlinearly dispersive Schrödinger equation. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 17(3): 1224-1232, 2012.(SCI)
● X. Fan, S. Yang, J. Yin, L. Tian. Peakon, loop and solitary travelling wave solutions for the general modified CH–DP equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217(9): 4812-4818, 2011. (SCI)
● X. Fan, S. Yang, J. Yin, L. Tian. Traveling wave solutions to the (n+1)-dimensional sinh-cosh-Gordon equation. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 61(3): 699-707, 2011. (SCI)
● X. Fan, S. Yang, J. Yin, L. Tian. Bifurcations of traveling wave solutions for a two-component Fornberg-Whitham equation. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16, 3956–3963, 2011. (SCI)
● X. Fan, S. Yang, D. Zhao, G. Cai. Fibonacci tan-sec method for construction solitary wave solution to differential-difference equations. World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 7(1): 52-57, 2011.
● X. Fan, L. Zhang. Water security index of cities and regions based on the vitae system. 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System, 4136-4140, 2011.(EI)
● X. Fan, D. Zhao, L. Tian. Differential models for integrated drought risk management. Journal of Mathematics Research, 2(1): 157-163, 2010.
● X. Fan, D. Zhao, L. Tian. Optimal management of fund based on the Vitae index. Journal of US-China Public Administration, 7(2): 47-52, 2010.
● J. Yin, L. Tian, X. Fan. Orbital stability of floating periodic peakons for the Camassa–Holm equation. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11(5): 4021-4026, 2010.(SCI)
● X. Fan, S. Yang, D. Zhao. Travelling wave solutions for the Gilson-Pickering equation by using the simplified G′/G-expansion method. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 8(3): 368-373, 2009.
● X. Fan, Z. Zhang, T. Lu. Explicit solitary solutions to the Toda lattice equation. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 3(2): 111-115, 2007.
● X. Fan, T. Lu. Solitary wave solutions and double periodic solutions of the general discrete mKdV equation. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 3(1): 52-57, 2007.
● X. Fan, L. Tian. Compacton solutions and multiple compacton solutions for a continuum Toda lattice model. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 29(4): 882-894, 2006.(SCI)
● X. Fan, L. Tian. The existence of solitary waves of singularly perturbed mKdV–KS equation. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 26(4): 1111-1118, 2005. (SCI)
● 石艳,范兴华. 长三角地区城市水安全模糊聚类分析. 水电能源科学, 32(04): 147-150,2014.
● 张蕾,韩雪冰,范兴华. 基于层次分析法的南京市水安全评价. 水电能源科学, 12: 30-33,2013.
● 范兴华,田立新. Lü混沌系统的反馈控制与动态控制方法. 江苏大学学报(自然科学版),6(6A): 74-78,2005.
● 范兴华,田立新,蔡国梁. 一类混沌系统的慢流形. 江苏大学学报(自然科学版),26(3): 235-238,2005.
● 范兴华,田立新. 快慢型VanderPol系统动力学行为的慢流形控制. 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版),29(5): 798-802,2004.

● 基于学生能力培养的空间解析几何课程的教学改革研究,江苏大学教学成果二等奖,2011年7月,参加.
● 江苏省哲学社会科学二等奖, 沿江开发战略中水资源的优化配置沿江开发下的水资源的优化配置,2005,参加.

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