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傅 敏
姓  名 傅敏
职务职称: 副教授
研究方向: 数学
研究生招生专业: 数学
联系电话: 18851282666
E-mail fumin@ujs.edu.cn
通信地址 江苏省镇江市学府路301号江苏大学理学院(212013)
● 2003/07-2008/07,江苏大学 理学院,助教。
● 2008/08-2018/05,江苏大学 理学院,讲师。
● 2018/06-现在,江苏大学 理学院,副教授。


● 高等数学
● 线性代数
● 概率论与数理统计

1. 绿色消费行为的动力机制及演化理论(负责), 江苏省社科基金面上项目(18EYB020),
201809-202108, 5 万。
2. 区域碳循环演化分析下的排放效应及战略研究(负责),国家自然科学基金(71303095),201401- 201612。
3. 江苏能源系统碳排放演化及控制战略研究(负责), 江苏省软科学基金(BR2012027), 201203-201312。
4. 江苏能源经济系统碳排放动态演化分析及可持续战略研究(负责),江苏省高校研究生科研创新计划(CXLX12_0651), 201209-201611。
5. 西部能源供需体系与市场机制的可持续发展战略(参与),国家自然科学基金(90610031),200701-201005。
6. 可压缩流体中的混合型偏微分方程及其相关问题(参与),国家自然科学基金(11101190),201201-201412。
7. 新型水波方程的适定性和散射理论的研究(参与),江苏省自然科学基金(BK2007098)200706-201003。

[1] Fu M, Tian LX, Fang GC. A new type of air-soil-land plant carbon cycle system[J]. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2012(3):375-378.
[2] Fu M, Xia J, Fan X, et al. New non-equilibrium cobweb dynamical evolution model and its application[J]. Economic Modelling, 2015, 51:544-550.
[3] Fu M, Tian L, Dong G, et al. Modeling on regional atmosphere-soil-land plant carbon cycle dynamic system[J]. Sustainability, 2016, 8(4):303.
[4] Fu M, Hua A, Fan X, et al. Coordinated development of energy-saving and emission-reduction evolution systems in the Yangtze River delta[J]. International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2016, 39(1/2):35.
[5] 傅敏, 方国昌. 一类新型城市碳循环系统的分析和应用:以南京市为例[J]. 数学的实践与认识, 2016,23:1-8.
[6] Fu M, Xu P, Tian L, Shi Z, Gu X. How to Determine the Critical Conditions of China’s Renewable Energy Investment Decision? [J]. International Journal of Nonlinear Science.2016,21(1):13-26.
[7] Fu M, Yang Y, Tian L, et al. The Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Natural Gas Imports in OECD Countries[J]. Sustainability, 2017, 9(11):2106.
[8] 傅敏, 田立新, 方国昌. 动物圈约束下的节能减排系统协调发展分析[J]. 环境经济研究, 2017, 2(1):7-17.
[9] Fang G, Tian L, Sun M, Fu M. Analysis and application of a novel three-dimensional energy�saving and emission-reduction dynamic evolution system[J]. Energy, 2012, 40(1):291-299.
[10] Fang G, Tian L, Sun M, Fu M. Reply to: Comments on ‘Analysis and application of a novel three-dimensional energy-saving and emission-reduction dynamic evolution system’. Energy, 2012,47: 634-635.
[11] Fang G, Tian L, Fu M. Dynamic Analysis of a Novel Four-Dimensional ESER System. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2013,15(1):10-14.
[12] Fang G, Tian L, Fu M, et al. The impacts of carbon tax on energy intensity and economic growth – A dynamic evolution analysis on the case of China[J]. Applied Energy, 2013, 110(5):17-28.
[13] 方国昌, 田立新, 傅敏等. 新能源发展对能源强度和经济增长的影响[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2013, 33(11):2795-2803.
[14] 方国昌, 田立新, 傅敏. 一类新型碳税约束下的节能减排系统的分析和应用[J]. 能源技术与管理, 2013, 38(1):163-165.
[15] 田立新, 许培琳, 傅敏. 基于实物期权的中国风电发展政策评估[J]. 管理学报, 2013, 10(2):266-273.
[16] Dong G, Tian L, Du R, Fu M. Analysis of percolation behaviors of clustered networks with partial support–dependence relations[J]. Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications, 2014, 394(2):370-378.
[17] 董高高, 田立新, 杜瑞瑾,傅敏等. 中国多态化能源结构下耦合相依网络模型研究[J]. 系统工程学报, 2014, 29(5):619-627.
[18] Du R, Tian L,Dong G, Fu M. Analysis on Security of Energy Networks Based on Current China’s Multiple Energy Situation. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2014,17(2):99-104.
[19] Fang G, Tian L, Fu M, et al. Government control or low carbon lifestyle? – Analysis and application of a novel selective-constrained energy-saving and emission-reduction dynamic evolution system[J]. Energy Policy, 2014, 68(2):498-507.
[20] 方国昌, 田立新, 傅敏. 政府调控对碳税的演化影响[J]. 系统工程学报, 2014, 29(5):612-618.
[21] Fang G, Tian L, Fu M, et al. Investigating carbon tax pilot in YRD urban agglomerations—Analysis of a novel ESER system with carbon tax constraints and its application[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 194.
[22] Fang G, Tian L, Fu M, et al. The effect of energy construction adjustment on the dynamical evolution of energy-saving and emission-reduction system in China[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 196:180-189.
[23] Fang G, Tian L, Fu M, et al. Investigation of Carbon Tax Pilot in YRD Urban Agglomerations—Analysis and Application of a Novel ESER System with Carbon Tax Constraints[J]. Energy Procedia, 2016, 88:290-296.
[24] Fang G, Tian L, Liu M, Fu M, Sun M. How to optimize the development of carbon trading in China—Enlightenment from evolution rules of the EU carbon price[J]. Applied Energy, 2018, 211:1039–1049.
[25] Fang G, Tian L, Fu M, et al. How to promote the development of energy-saving and emission reduction with changing economic growth rate—A case study of China[J]. Energy, 2018, 143.

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