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孙 梅
姓  名孙梅

● 1981/09-1985/07,扬州大学数学系,大学/本科。
● 2003/09-2006/07,江苏大学数学系,博士,导师:田立新。
● 1985/07-今,江苏大学理学院学院数学与应用数学系,教授,博士生导师。
● 2008/07-2008/10,美国佐治亚理工学院,访问学者。
● 2013/06-2013/09,美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,访问学者。
● 2015/08-2015/09,美国纽约城市大学,访问学者。

● 现任江苏省数学教育专委会副主任。
● 现任江苏省数学学会常务理事。
● 现任江苏省运筹学会常务理事。
● 现任中国能源学会系统工程专业委员会常务理事。

● 混沌动力学理论及应用(博士)
● 复杂网络导论(博士)
● 演化系统分析及控制(博士)
● 高等数学(本科)
● 概率论与数理统计(本科)

● 江苏省研究生教育教学改革研究与实践课题:“分层次、立体式、多维度”的研究生公共数学课程体系改革的研究(JGZZ13_063),2013.1-2014.12,主持。
● 全国高等教育科学“十五”规划重点课题:新世纪工科数学教育改革及创新人才培养(19-106-53),2003.1-2008.1,参与。
● 江苏省教育科学“十五”规划课题:面向新世纪面向现代化高等数学大范围教学改革的研究(D/2001/01/153), 2003.1-2008.1,参与。

● 《高等数学》(经管类),2013年,主编
● 《高等数学》,2010年,参编

● 国家自然科学基金重点专项项目:重点行业碳中和技术创新与碳减排激励机制(72243005),主持
● 国家自然科学基金面上项目:微电网系统中多主体低碳选择的交互行为及演化博弈的研究(71774070),主持
● 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于演化博弈的智能电网供需动态耦合优化及政策分析(71473108),主持
● 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于计算实验的石油供需网络优化与动态调控研究(71273119),主持
● 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于复杂系统理论的能源供需模型的理论方法及政策分析(71073071),主持
● 国家社会科学基金重大项目:我国能源价格体系建设与能源发展战略转型研究(12&ZD062),子课题负责人
● 江苏省“六大人才高峰”第九批高层次人才项目:能源供需网络参数辨识、优化与调控措施研究,主持
● 教育部人文社会科学研究项目:基于复杂网络模型的我国能源供需体系可持续发展战略研究(09YJA90088),主持
● 教育厅社科重大招标项目:新时期能源供需储备复杂系统理论研究(2010-2-10),主持
● 中国博士后科学基金项目:建立健全节能减排评价指标体系、监测体系研究(20080431071), 2008.1-2009.12,主持
● 江苏省博士后科研资助计划项目:能源供需中的核心科学问题的研究(0701038C) , 2007.1-2008.12,主持
● 镇江市软科学基金:镇江市节能减排监管机制的研究(RK2008026), 2008.6-2009.6,主持

● 能源供需系统分析—基于复杂网络新视角,科学出版社,2017年3月,第一
● 非线性动力性与混沌,机械工业出版社, 2017年3月,第一
● 能源碳排放系统分析,科学出版社, 2013年5月,第二
● 能源价格系统分析,科学出版社,2011年10月,第二
● 能源供需系统分析,科学出版社,2011年10月,第二

[1] Lv D, Sun M, Jia Q. Event-Based Prescribed-Time Synchronization of Directed Dynamical Networks With Lipschitzian Nodal Dynamics [J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2022, 69(3):1847-1851.
[2] Sun M, Lv D, Jia Q. Event-triggered leader-following synchronization of delayed dynamical networks with intermittent coupling [J]. Neural Comput & Applic, 2022, 34:6163–6170.
[3] Yan Y, Sun M, Guo Z. How do carbon cap-and-trade mechanisms and renewable portfolio standards affect renewable energy investment? [J]. Energy Policy, 2022, 165:112938.
[4] Wu Y, Sun M. Multi-oligarch dynamic game model for regional power market with renewable portfolio standard policies [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 107:591-620.
[5] He H, Sun M, Li X, et al. A novel crude oil price trend prediction method: Machine learning classification algorithm based on multi-modal data features [J]. Energy, 2022, 244:122706.
[6] Ayepah K, Sun M, Jia Q. Event-triggered synchronization of switching dynamical networks with periodic sampling, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Express Briefs[J], 2021, 68(6): 2172-2176.
[7] Jia Q, Sun M, Tang W K S. Consensus of multiagent systems with delayed node dynamics and time-varying coupling, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems[J], 2021, 51(6): 3320-3329.
[8] Wang Z, Sun M, Gao C, et al. A new interactive real-time pricing mechanism of demand response based on an evaluation model[J]. Applied Energy, 2021, 295(2634):117052.
[9] Wang X, Sun M. A novel prediction model of multi-layer symbolic pattern network: Based on causation entropy[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2021, 575(6):126045.
[10] Abid M, Sun M, Nazir H Z, et al. A mixed cumulative sum homogeneously weighted moving average control chart for monitoring process mean[J]. Quality and Reliability Engineering, 2020, 37(5):1758-1771.
[11] Abid M, Sun M, Nazir H Z, et al. A mixed HWMA‐CUSUM mean chart with an application to manufacturing process[J]. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2020,37(2):618-631.
[12] Liu Y, Sun M. Application of duopoly multi-periodical game with bounded rationality in power supply market based on information asymmetry[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 87.
[13] Adjei Mensah I, Sun M, Gao C, et al. Investigation on key contributors of energy consumption in dynamic heterogeneous panel data (DHPD) model for African countries: fresh evidence from dynamic common correlated effect (DCCE) approach[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(31):38674-38694.
[14] Zhang Z, Sun M. Enhanced deterministic joint remote state preparation under Pauli channels with memory[J]. Physica Scripta, 2020, 95(5):055107 (9pp).
[15] Gao A, Sun M, Han D, et al. Multiresolution analysis of information flows from international carbon trading market to the clean energy stock market[J]. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2020, 12(5):055901.
[16] Mensah I A, Sun M, Gao C, et al. Analysis on the nexus of economic growth, fossil fuel energy consumption, CO2 emissions and oil price in Africa based on a PMG panel ARDL approach[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 228(AUG.10):161-174.
[17] Li X, Sun M, Gao C, et al. The spillover effects between natural gas and crude oil markets: The correlation network analysis based on multi-scale approach[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019,524:306-324.
[18] An Y, Sun M, Gao C, et al. Analysis of the impact of crude oil price fluctuations on China's stock market in different periods—Based on time series network model[J]. Physica A: Statal Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, 492:1016-1031.
[19] Li X, Sun M, Gao C, et al. The parametric modified limited penetrable visibility graph for constructing complex networks from time series[J]. Physica A: Statal Mechanics and its Applications, 2018: S0378437117311160.
[20] Ampimah B C, Sun M, Han D, et al. Optimizing sheddable and shiftable residential electricity consumption by incentivized peak and off-peak credit function approach[J]. Applied Energy, 2017: S0306261917309716.
[21] Sun M, Li J, Gao C, et al. Identifying regime shifts in the US electricity market based on price fluctuations[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 194(MAY15):658-666.
[22] Zhang P, Sun M, Zhang X, et al. Who are leading the change? The impact of China's leading PV enterprises: A complex network analysis[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 207(dec.1):477-493.
[23] Gao A, Sun M, Shen C, et al. An optimization model for China's emission reduction resulting from the shift to wind power[J]. Energy Procedia, 2017, 105:309-315.
[24] Long X, Sun M, Cheng F, et al. Convergence analysis of eco-efficiency of China's cement manufacturers through unit root test of panel data[J]. Energy, 2017, 134(sep.1):709-717.
[25] Sun M, Li J, Gao C, et al. Identifying regime shifts in the US electricity market based on price fluctuations[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 194(MAY15):658-666.
[26] Sun M, Zhang P, Gao C, et al. Study on the mutual influence between enterprises: A complex network perspective of China's PV enterprises[J]. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2016, 8(6):063502.
[27] Han D, Li D, Sun M. How the initial level of visibility and limited resource affect the evolution of cooperation[J]. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6(1):27191.
[28] Gao C, Sun M, Geng Y, et al. A bibliometric analysis based review on wind power price[J]. Applied Energy, 2016, 182:602-612.
[29] Sun M, Wang Y, Gao C. Visibility graph network analysis of natural gas price: The case of North American market[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2016, 462,1-11.
[30] Sun M, Han D. An evolutionary vaccination game in the modified activity driven network by considering the closeness[J]. Physica, A. Statistical mechanics and its applications, 2016, 443, 49–57.
[31] Sun M, Li J, Gao C, et al. Research on the US electricity market based on price fluctuations[J]. Energy Procedia, 2016, 88:297-304.
[32] Gao C, Sun M, Shen B. Features and evolution of international fossil energy trade relationships: A weighted multilayer network analysis[J]. Applied Energy, 2015, 156(OCT.15):542-554.
[33] Han D, Sun M, Li D. The virus variation model by considering the degree-dependent spreading rate[J]. Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications, 2015, 433:42-50.
[34] Han D, Sun M, Li D. Epidemic process on activity-driven modular networks[J]. Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications, 2015, 432:354-362.
[35] Gao C, Sun M, Shen B, et al. Optimization of China's energy structure based on portfolio theory[J]. Energy, 2014, 77:890-897.
[36] Han D, Sun M. Can memory and conformism resolve the vaccination dilemma? [J]. Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications, 2014, 415:95-104.
[37] Sun M, Gao C, Shen B. Quantifying China's oil import risks and the impact on the national economy[J]. Energy Policy, 2014, 67(C):605-611.
[38] Sun M, Zhang H, Han D, et al. A hierarchical-network-model based analysis of the market characteristics of China's photovoltaic enterprises[J]. Journal of Renewable & Sustainable Energy, 2014, 6(4):70-73.
[39] Sun M, Han D, Li D, et al. Third-order leader-following consensus with circumstance noise under impulsive and switching control[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC), 2014, 25(08), 1450026.
[40] Sun M, Li D, Han D, et al. Impact of anti-virus software on computer virus dynamical behavior[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2014, 25(5), 1440010.
[41] Fang C, Sun M, Zhang P, et al. A comparison of coal supply-demand in China and in the US based on a network model[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22(010):631-637.
[42] Sun M, Li D, Han D, et al. Synchronization of Colored Networks via Discrete Control[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2013, 30(9):090202.
[43] Sun M, Han D, Li D, et al. The general evolving model for energy supply-demand network with local-world[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C Physics & Computers, 2013,24(10),1350070.
[44] Sun M, Zhang P, Shan T, et al. Research on the evolution model of an energy supply-demand network[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2012, 391(19), 4506–4516.
[45] Sun M, Cheng Y, Cao L, et al. Adaptive Third-Order Leader-Following Consensus of Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems with Perturbations[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2012, 29(2), 020503.
[46] Sun M, Wang X, Chen Y, et al. Energy resources demand-supply system analysis and empirical research based on non-linear approach[J]. Energy, 2011, 36(9):5460-5465.
[47] Sun M, Tao Y, Wang X, et al. The model reference control for the four-dimensional energy supply-demand system[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2011, 35(10):5165-5172.
[48] Sun M, Zeng C, Tian L. Linear generalized synchronization between two complex networks[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 2010, 15(8):2162-2167.
[49] Du R, Dong G, Tian L, et al. Projective synchronisation with non-delayed and delayed coupling in complex networks consisting of identical nodes and different nodes[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19(007):113-122.
[50] Dong G, Zheng S, Tian L, et al. The analysis of complex behaviours of a novel three dimensional autonomous system[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2010,19(7):156-166.
[51] 曾长燕, 孙梅, 田立新. 基于自适应-脉冲控制方法实现时变耦合驱动-响应复杂网络的投影同步[J]. 物理学报, 2010(08):5288-5292.
[52] Sun M, Zeng C, Tao Y, et al. Adaptive–impulsive synchronization in drive–response networks of continuous systems and its application[J]. Physics Letters A, 2009, 373(34), 3041–3046.
[53] Sun M, Tian L, Zeng C. The energy resources system with parametric perturbations and its hyperchaos control[J]. Nonlinear Analysis Real World Applications, 2009, 10(4):2620-2626.
[54] Sun M, Zeng C, Tian L. Generalized Projective Synchronization between Two Complex Networks with Time-Varying Coupling Delay[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, 26(1):43-46.
[55] Sun M, Jia Q, Tian L. A new four-dimensional energy resources system and its linear feedback control[J]. Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 39(1):101-108.
[56] Sun M, Tian L, Jia Q. Adaptive control and synchronization of a four-dimensional energy resources system with unknown parameters[J]. Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 39(4):1943-1949.
[57] Dong G, Zheng S, Tian L, et al. The analysis of a novel 3-D autonomous system and circuit implementation[J]. Physics Letters A, 2009, 373(46):4227-4238.
[58] Tian L, Xu J, Sun M, et al. On a new time-delayed feedback control of chaotic systems[J]. Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 39(2):831-839.
[59] Sun M, Zeng C, Ling L. Projective synchronization in drive–response dynamical networks of partially linear systems with time-varying coupling delay[J]. Physics Letters A, 2008, 372(46):6904-6908.
[60] 孙梅, 田立新, 张培培,等. 一个能源供需网络演化模型[J]. 管理学报, 2008, 5(5):685.
[61] Sun M, Tian L, Fu Y, et al. Dynamics and adaptive synchronization of the energy resource system[J]. Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2007, 31(4):879-888.
[62] Sun M, Tian L, Jiang S, et al. Feedback control and adaptive control of the energy resource chaotic system[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2007, 32(5), 1725–1734.
[63] 孙梅, 田立新, 傅瑛. 江苏-西部能源需求-供给模型及其动力学分析[J]. 系统科学与数学, 2006, 26(006):658-669.

● 2020年教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖二等奖,排名第二
● 2019年江苏省高校优秀成果二等奖,排名第一
● 2018年获江苏大学研究生优秀指导教师荣誉,独立
● 2015年教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖一等奖,排名第二
● 2014年获江苏省第十三届哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖,第二
● 2013年获2008-2012年度江苏大学研究生优秀指导教师荣誉,独立
● 2012年获江苏大学龙腾卓越奖教金,独立
● 2011年获江苏省科学技术进步三等奖,第二
● 2010年获江苏省高等学校优秀共产党员荣誉称号,独立
● 2009年获中国机械工业科学技术奖二等奖,第二
● 2007年获江苏省优秀博士学位论文奖,独立

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