| 教改论文 1.卫敬东. 《高等数学》中二阶导数保号性问题的探究. 当代教育实践与教学研究,2021.07下,98-99. 2.卫敬东,周江波,甄在利. 关于无限项之和或之积的极限问题探究. 江苏大学出版社,2023.07,117-123。 3.卫敬东,陈进,李嘉禾. 范德蒙德行列式的若干应用探究. 新教育时代,2024.03. 4.甄在利,卫敬东. 让幽默成为高等数学课堂助推器. 当代教育实践与教学研究,2024.01下(2期)。 期刊论文 1.Jingdong Wei, Lixin Tian*, Zaili Zhen, Weiwei Gao, Inelastic collision of two solitons for generalized BBM equation with cubic nonlinearity, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (2015) 2015 (147): 1-30.【SCI检索,影响因子:0.769】 2.Jingdong Wei, Lixin Tian*, Jiangbo Zhou, Zaili Zhen, Jing Xu, Existence and asymptotic behavior of traveling wave fronts for a food-limited population model with spatio-temporal delay, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2017) 34: 305-320.【SCI检索,影响因子:0.566】 3.Jingdong Wei, Lixin Tian*, Jiangbo Zhou, Zaili Zhen, Existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of traveling wave fronts for a generalized Fisher equation with nonlocal delay, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals (2017) 103: 536-543.【SCI检索,影响因子:2.213】 4.Jingdong Wei, Zaili Zhen, Wenxia Chen, Lixin Tian*, Nonexistence of pure multi-solitons for the quartic gBBM equation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (2018) 55: 1-15.【SCI检索,影响因子:3.967】 5.Jingdong Wei, Jiangbo Zhou*, Lixin Tian, Existence and asymptotic behavior of traveling wave solution for Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation with distributed delay, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation (2019) 9 (3): 840-852.【SCI检索,影响因子:1.573】 6.Jingdong Wei*, Jiangbo Zhou, Zaili Zhen, Lixin Tian, Super-critical and critical traveling waves in a two-component lattice dynamical model with discrete delay, Applied Mathematics and Computation (2019) 363: 124621.【SCI检索,影响因子:3.472】 7.Jingdong Wei*, Jiangbo Zhou, Zaili Zhen, Lixin Tian, Super-critical and critical traveling waves in a three-component delayed disease system with mixed diffusion, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2020) 367: 112451.【SCI检索,影响因子:2.621】 8.Jingdong Wei*, Asymptotic boundary and nonexistence of traveling waves in a discrete diffusive epidemic model, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications (2020) 26 (2): 163-170.【SCI检索,影响因子:1.476】 9.Jingdong Wei, Jiangbo Zhou*, Wenxia Chen, Zaili Zhen, Lixin Tian, Traveling waves in a nonlocal dispersal epidemic model with spatio-temporal delay, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (2020) 19 (5): 2853-2886.【SCI检索,影响因子:1.916】 10.Jingdong Wei*, Jiangbo Zhou, Zaili Zhen, Lixin Tian, Time periodic traveling waves in a three-component non-autonomous and reaction-diffusion epidemic model, International Journal of Mathematics (2021) 32 (1): 2150003.【SCI检索,影响因子:0.708】 11.Jingdong Wei*, Zaili Zhen, Jiangbo Zhou, Lixin Tian, Traveling waves for a discrete diffusion epidemic model with delay, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics (2021) 25 (4): 831-866.【SCI检索,影响因子:0.870】 12.Jingdong Wei*, Jiahe Li, Jiangbo Zhou*, Boundedness of traveling waves in a discrete diffusion model with delay, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems (2024) 23:48. 13.Jingdong Wei, Jiahe Li, Zaili Zhen*, Jiangbo Zhou, Minjie Dong, Unidirectional wave propagation in a nonlocal dispersal endemic model with nonlinear incidence, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation (2024) Accepted. 14.Zaili Zhen, Jingdong Wei*, Jiangbo Zhou, Lixin Tian, Wave propagation in a nonlocal diffusion epidemic model with nonlocal delayed effects, Applied Mathematics and Computation (2018) 339: 15-37.【SCI检索,影响因子:3.092】 15.Zaili Zhen, Jingdong Wei*, Lixin Tian, Jiangbo Zhou, Wenxia Chen, Wave propagation in a diffusive SIR epidemic model with spatiotemporal delay, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (2018) 41: 7074-7098.【SCI检索,影响因子:1.533】 16.Zaili Zhen, Jingdong Wei*, Jiangbo Zhou, Lixin Tian, Positive traveling waves in a diffusive epidemic system with distributed delay and constant external supplies, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation (2021) 11 (6): 2840-2865.【SCI检索,影响因子:1.429】 17.Zaili Zhen, Jingdong Wei*, Jiangbo Zhou, Minjie Dong, Lixin Tian, Traveling wave solution with the critical speed for a diffusive epidemic system with spatio-temporal delay, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems (2022) 21:100.【SCI检索,影响因子:1.400】 18.Jiangbo Zhou*, Jinghuan Li, Jingdong Wei*, Lixin Tian, Wave propagation in a diffusive SAIV epidemic model with time delays, European Journal of Applied Mathematics (2022) 33 (4): 674-700.【SCI检索,影响因子:1.900】 19.Jiangbo Zhou*, Jing Xu, Jingdong Wei, Xiaoqing Yang, Solitary wave solution to a singularly perturbed generalized Gardner equation with nonlinear terms of any order, Pramana-Journal of Physics (2017) 88: 69.【SCI检索,影响因子:0.699】 20.Jiangbo Zhou*, Jing Xu, Jingdong Wei, Haimei Xu, Existence and non-existence of traveling wave solutions for a nonlocal dispersal SIR epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications (2018) 41: 204-231.【SCI检索,影响因子:2.085】 21.Jiangbo Zhou*, Liyuan Song, Jingdong Wei, Haimei Xu, Critical traveling waves in a diffusive disease model, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2019) 476: 522-538.【SCI检索,影响因子:1.220】 22.Jiangbo Zhou*, Liyuan Song, Jingdong Wei, Mixed types of waves in a discrete diffusive epidemic model with nonlinear incidence and time delay, Journal of Differential Equations (2020) 268: 4491-4524.【SCI检索,影响因子:2.430】 23.Yueling Cheng*, Dianchen Lu, Jiangbo Zhou, Jingdong Wei, Existence of traveling wave solutions with critical speed in a delayed epidemic model, Advances in Difference Equations (2019) 2019: 494.【SCI检索,影响因子:2.421】 24.Minjie Dong, Lixin Tian*, Jingdong Wei, Yun Wang, Some localized wave solutions for the coupled Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation, Applied Mathematics Letters (2021) 122: 107483.【SCI检索,影响因子:4.294】 25.Minjie Dong, Lixin Tian*, Jingdong Wei, Novel rogue waves for the mixed coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the Darboux-dressing transformation, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics (2022) 12 (1): 22-34.【SCI检索,影响因子:1.200】 26.Minjie Dong, Lixin Tian*, Jingdong Wei, Infinitely many conservation laws and Darboux-dressing transformation for the three-coupled fourth-order nonlinear Schrödinger equations, European Physical Journal Plus (2022) 137: 168.【SCI检索,影响因子:3.400】 27.Minjie Dong, Yun Wang*, Lixin Tian, Jingdong Wei, The peakon solutions of a new integrable Camassa-Holm equations, Applied Mathematics Letters (2023) 141: 108603. 【SCI检索,影响因子:3.700】 28.Minjie Dong, Lixin Tian*, Wei Shi, Jingdong Wei, Yun Wang, Solitons, breathers and rational solutions for the (2+1)-dimensional Konopelchenko-Dubrovsky equation, Nonlinear Dynamics (2024) 112: 10259–10275. |