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International Journal of Nonlinear Science

Published by print and online bimonthly, England, UK

ISSN: 1749-3889 (print),ISSN: 1749-3897 (online)

ISSN: 1749-3889 (print), 1749-3897 (online), Bimonthly

Published by World Academic Press, World Academic Union, England, UK

Edited by International Committee of Nonlinear Science, WAU

Welcome to IJNS, The International Journal of Nonlinear Science

International Journal of Nonlinear Science (IJNS) mainly publishes original research papers and reviews on nonlinear science and applications, including the field of mathematics, physics, biology, engineering, economics, social sciences, and other areas of science.

Papers can be oriented towards theory, algorithms, numerical simulations, applications or experimentation. Topics of interest include but not limited to

(1) Solitons, coherent phenomena and complexity in nonlinear science and engineering.

(2) Deterministic chaos, pattern formation, fractals, bifurcation, stability and singularity on fundamental or applied studies.

(3) Analysis, modelling, simulations and control in diverse nonlinear areas.

(4) Mathematical theories, principles and general methods in nonlinear science.

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief:

BoLing Guo, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing, 100088, China; IJNS@ujs.edu.cn

Secretary: Xuedi Wang, , Xinghua Fan

Contribution enquiries and submitting

IJNS Editorial office (China office)

Nonlinear Scientific Research Centre

Faculty of Science

JiangSu University, ZhenJiang, 212013, P. R. China

Email: china@nonlinearscience.org.uk

IJNS Editorial office (England)

Academic House, Mill Lane

Wavertree Technology Park

Liverpool L13 4AH, England, UK

Email: editor@nonlinearscience.org.uk  

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